mandag 4. juli 2011

Yucky weird

The other night I dreamed that I was looking at myself in the mirror, when I saw these things on my neck. I started squeezing them like you would a pimple, and suddenly this big black dot appeared, about a centimeter in diameter. I squeezed it some more and it popped out, but something was attached to it and I pulled and out came this long thing, it looked like tentacles or plant roots or something, there was about 10 of them attached to the black dot, all about 15 centimeters long, white kinda see-through. There were two black dots so after I pulled the first one out I pulled out an identical one. From my neck!!! Disgusting.

lørdag 13. november 2010

Shoppingcentres and cakes

I was living in an apartment with my best friend Nora and her boyfriend, but they were moving out after Christmas, so the owner of the house came around without me knowing with two guys who were thinking of moving in. I talked to them for a bit and then decided to go. The apartment was in a huge shoppingcentre, and I was standing in the middle of it not knowing where to go when a girl came up to me and asked where the Wella-shop was. I showed her, and she disappeared. The Wella-shop didn't have hairproducts but lots of other stuff, and I found two things I wanted to buy. I can't remember what the things were, but one was black and reminded me of a case for glasses or something. The guy behind the counter was really handsome and flirty so I chatted to him while this other guy who worked there came up next to me, had a white paperroll and he took a long strip of paper and tied it around my neck so it was hanging down my back and across the floor. The black thing was supposed to cost 20 kr, but on the register it said it cost 220 kr. I said that was wrong, and the guy tried to correct it but then it said it cost 400 kr. Finally he got it right. I took the end of the paper and attached it to my front so it kinda looked like a dress, and the other guy had put a rubber band around my feet so I could hardly walk. I tried to walk out of the shop but decided it didn't work with the rubber band so I kicked it off and threw it towards them. It was a thick blue rubber band.
Then I met Nora and she said we had to go to Ultra, this huge foodshop, but it also had flowers and lots of cakes. We went straight to the cakes (of course), and they all looked delicious! Then Nora said we had to get a trolley, so we went back to the flowerdepartment and found one. But it wasn't a normal trolley, it looked like a stool, it was white with four legs and had a handle but you had to carry it cause it didn't have any wheels. So we carried them back to the cakes. They didn't have signs that said which cake was which, only a list on the side which said all the cakes they had. So you had to guess what was what. Nora pointed to one and said that one was really good but I thought "pff, I'm not going to listen to you" and found one that was actually a big ball of chocolate filled with soft caramel. It had a smaller chocolate ball on top but it had fallen off so I had to stick it back on.

tirsdag 9. november 2010

Fishingboats and mermaids

I was in a boat harbour somewhere in northern Norway, and I was going to get married to a guy (not then but later), but someone (it might've been my mum) had decided I wasn't ready to get married yet, so I had to go on a trip with a fishing boat. I was walking around in a blanket, fussing about going, and finally I realised I had to go so I packed three t-shirts which I bought in New York in addition to the stuff someone else had already packed.
When I got onto the boat there was only one person there, the captain, and that was a guy called Roland from a TV-series called Himmelblå. He's quite goodlooking so I was happy! We sat next to each other and I said I might get seasick, but he had some pills he could give me if it happend. We were going to Guatemala or somewhere over there, so it was a long trip. I needed the bathroom, and said to him "it's ok for you, you can just go over the side of the boat" and he laughed at me. Then he showed me the loo, which was underneath a floorboard. You had to lift the floorboard and there was a sort of tarpaulin you inflated, but it didn't inflate properly and it was disgusting because it had been lying in the toilet. And I didn't understand where the actual toilet was, because there were two holes but they weren't really holes, they looked like vases and were tiny so it wasn't possible to sit on them.
I went over to the railing and looked over the edge, and there was a lifesize doll in the water, it looked like a man who was dead, but someone on a boat next to us said it was used to train for emergencies. Suddenly I saw dolphins! I got really excited, they followed us and played in the waves. I sat in a little rubber dinghy and then the dolphins weren't dolphins but people, not sure if they were mermaids or what, but they turned evil and tried to push my boat from underneath so I would fall out. Roland panicked (he was on the fishingboat) and took one of his fishnets which he had on a wire behind the boat and steered it towards me so I got caught in it and he hoisted me back on the boat, along with lots of fish and merpeople. The whole boat almost tipped with the weight so I smashed down on the floor.
For some reason we couldn't throw the merpeople back into the water, so we had to retrain them to be other things. Some were turned into fairies, and some got donkeylegs! We had a little computerthing that we used to decide what kind of eyes the merpeople should have, makeup, clothes etc.

fredag 8. oktober 2010


I dreamt that I were in a hospital with a baby (I think it was mine), and the colours on the walls were orange/brown/yellow. The hospital had a serial killer or something running around killing everyone he sae. The baby was hurt and I was hiding in a room with huge windows looking for a doctor. The hallway was empty, and the baby was crying really loud. I pulled a string so a light were blinking outside the room and a alarm went off. I crossed my fingers hoping that a doctor would come, not a serial killer. The door opened and I don't remember what he/she looked like, but I cried: "don't kill the baby!". The person said: "I won't" and stabbed me in the heart. I couldn't breathe and then I woke up. When I woke up my heart were actually hurting!

torsdag 6. mai 2010

Hong Kong

Last night I dreamt I was on a plane, flying from Cairns to Hong Kong. When it was time to descend we were suddenly flying right over the top of a skyscraper, we almost crashed. I said to the flight attendant that the Fasten Seatbelt sign wasn't switched on but then I saw that it was so I sat down and fastend it.
We were getting very low and the plane didn't have any roof so we could see everything as we were flying in. We were very low and I still couldn't see the airport. I thought "hm I've never flown into Hong Kong from this side before". Suddenly we had to fly under a bridge, and follow the bridge under it. We were very close to the roof, and we were passing pylons which I almost thought would cut our wings off. Suddenly we were flying towards a wall with a very narrow hole in it and I thought we had to fly through it but then we suddenly dipped down and landed in the middle of a road! The plane stopped very quickly and we got out. I was almost hit by a car because we were in the middle of the road and the plane had dissappeared.
We walked up some stairs and on the top was the office of Cathay Norway (apparently the Norwegian Cathay Pacific office in Hong Kong). There were lots of men i suits looking very important so I didn't dare say "Hei" to them.
The office turned into a café, so my friends and I (don't know who they were) sat down after buying cake. I needed the bathroom so I went off to find it. I found it and sat down and started peeing. Just after I started I saw there was another woman in the bathroom. She noticed that I'd noticed her and became very imbarrassed but I said "no no it's fine it's fine" but she took up her phone and pretended to talk to someone. I peed for a very long time, it was a revolving bathroom and you were supposed to be finished by the first round so a man came in and I said to him I needed another round so he left.
Then suddenly I was in Hong Kong city cause there was something wrong with my next flight. My friend Silje was there and we were walking around with a couple of other people. We came to a place where there was supposed to be beautiful cathedral-art in the "ceiling" (which was a sort of roof cover over the sidewalk), but the clue was you had to imagine it. They had put up sort of a pink childrens bouncy castle in the ceiling, and you had to lie down underneath and imagine the beautiful art. So we did that for a while before we walked on. There were hardly any people about and lots of narrow little streets, with fences next to them. Behind one fence was a big "paper-animal", made of thin see-through green coloured paper with a light inside, and it was alive. One of us went closer to it and it came closer and suddenly started blinking red and got a warning sign instead of a face and apparently it was very dangerous so we ran away.
We came to an open place with a fountain and looked up and there were four purple paper-dragons flying above us in a ring. Suddenly one of them dived down towards us and got the same warning sign in its face.
And that's all I remember!!

tirsdag 23. februar 2010

Dating og isbreer

Jeg drømte at jeg dreiv og data en fyr. Vi hadde vært på to dater men vi hadde egentlig ikke
gjort det likevel. Nå skulle vi på vår tredje date og vi var på Bunnpris i Inherredsveien (Trheim).
Han hadde bestemt at vi skulle lage en sjokoladekake av noe slag og jeg gikk rundt i butikken og prøvde å finne ingrediensene men jeg skjønte ikke hvilke ingredienser vi skulle ha og jeg hadde ikke snøring på hvor de befant seg. Han dreiv og hang med en gjeng ved melkekjøla så jeg gikk dit. Så forsvant han og kom tilbake etter 5 min med to shotter - en med bringebær og en med jordbær. De smakte som de nye Ifapastillene bare med litt alkohol. Shotteglassene var bittesmå så han kom med nye shotteglass en del ganger (han var en bartender). Han var veldig unngående og det syntes jeg var litt rart siden han hadde spurt meg om alle datene. Plutselig var vi på Skogn og hovedhuset og resten av gården var som den er nå- bortsett fra det nye fjøset- men ovenfor veien for gammelfjøset var det en gammel hytte som vi hadde hatt i mange generasjoner. Det var pappa og dem som hadde gården og bak gammelhytta var det plutselig en isbre som holdt på å smelte. Randi (kona til pappa) var veldig glad for dette for da kom hovedhuset til å bli ødelagt og de ville få igjen alt på forsikringa for å bygge et helt nytt hus. Så da stod vi der og så på at breen smeltet (veldig fort). Plutselig smeltet det helt sykt fort og vi hadde ski på beina så vi kom oss bak uthuset for å ikke bli skadet. Jeg dreiv og dro ut på åkeren for å få
dekning for å ringe daten min men han svarte ikke. Når det ikke kom noe mer vann så dro vi opp på veien og gammelhytta var helt ødelagt. Jeg gråt og gråt og plutselig var Agnes (mora til stefaren min) der og hun var veldig lei seg hun også.

tirsdag 12. januar 2010

I finally remembered a dream again! And this one was very strange. It started out with a lot of people and me on our way to a reunion of some sort. We had to walk on a sort of boardwalk, and there were many different ways to chose, but only one was the correct one. The lock on my suitcase was broken so it was very difficult to carry (although the handle was alright...). One of the guys was very kind and offered to carry it for me.

Finally we arrived at the beach where we were staying. I fell asleep on the beach and was suddenly woken by people yelling that I had to get away from the sharks. I opend my eyes and the waves were almost hitting my toes, and there were lots of Great White sharks lurking in the waves, I could see them all along the beach. I got up and tried running but it was very steep and the sand was sort of sliding backwards for every step I took. But I managed to get up over the steep part and I turned around just in time to see a shark lunging out of the water and biting my friend Kates leg (don't know where she came from, she wasn't there before). I screamed "look out" but she just looked down at the shark and it let go. I rushed over and was really freaked out, but she just said "it's ok" and I looked at her leg and there were just two very small scratches where the shark had attacked, and hardly any blood.

Then I was back at the boardwalk and it was a game of some sort, where you had to work out the correct way of doing things, and if you went wrong you had to start all over. I walked up a shallow stream with lots of plants in it and it was very hard to walk, I was soaked up to my knees. Then I saw there was a narrow road next to it where I was supposed to walk. I came to a place where you had to hold on to handles in the ceiling and sort of swing yourself from one handle to the next. I went the wrong way and my mum was there and there were spiders hanging in their webs everywhere, in every shape and colour imaginable. Purple and pink and blue etc. I was really frightened and I told my mum I couldn't take it anymore so I went back to start, which was now the place with the handles in the ceiling.

My dad and my brother were there aswell, and I told them what to do. A spider or beetle or something came on to my arm and stuck itself to my shirt, which it had to do for me to manage the course. We got through, and then I was in a jungle in a ropeswing or something like that taking pictures of old vikingships hidden in the jungle, and some sheep. I had trouble looking through the seeker on my camera, it seemed like I couldn't get my eye close enough.

Then we were in a room in some sort of a museum, my dad, brother and I, and we were looking for the next clue. I looked in a dustbin and there it was, because it wasn't a dustbin, it was a pipe covered with plastic on the inside, and when I opend the lid there was a sound like "aaaaaa" very high pitched, like when you discover something in a computergame, and a blue light shone out of the dustbin. We were very close to the end, we were supposed to jump down the pipe, so I went first. I landed not far below in a storageroom, and a girl there gave me a blue scarf which I tied around my neck. My brother came just after me and got a scarf aswell.

And that was it... Not bad for one night!